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E.Y. Embroidery Society

The East Yorkshire Embroidery Society ====================================================================== About the East Yorkshire Embroidery Society Welcome to the East Yorkshire Embroidery Society (EYES)….

By Keith Teale , in About Cottingham , at August 29, 2009

The East Yorkshire Embroidery Society



About the East Yorkshire Embroidery Society

Welcome to the East Yorkshire Embroidery Society (EYES). The Society are an enthusiastic group of people who meet regularly to share their passion for all things creative. Below are some notes which we hope will help you to find your way around the services we provide.

The annual subscription charge is currently £6.00, although this may change from time to time. The fee is payable to the Treasurer and is due in September, at the start of the Society’s year. In addition, a charge of £1.00 is made for each monthly meeting which covers a drink and a biscuit. This charge is payable at the door on entry.

The Society has an extensive library covering all aspects of embroidery, patchwork and knitting, etc. Members are encouraged to borrow books, for which there is no charge. They would normally be returned at the following monthly meeting, although this can be extended by agreement. There is no limit on the number of books which may be borrowed. If there are any books, which you think the Society should purchase, please let one of the librarians know.

Monthly Meetings
The Society meets on the second Saturday in each month, except August. The doors are open from 2.00 pm and the meeting starts at 2.30 pm. The Chairman leads the meetings and introduces the Speaker. Refreshments are served approximately 4.00 pm.

Sales Table
The sales table is open from 2.00 pm and at the end of the meeting. A wide variety of materials are donated to the Society and these are sold at very reasonable prices. The proceeds are used to support the cost of the speakers and the hiring of the hall, etc.

UFO Group (Unfinished Objects)
The Group usually meets on the first Saturday of the month in the Darby & Joan Hall in Cottingham. The time is 10.00 am to 3.00 pm. and the cost is £4.00 per session. Contact one of the Committee members for details.

Day Schools
The day schools which the Society run are listed in the programme. They are usually held, either in the Darby & Joan Hall at Cottingham, or, Swanland Village Hall. Details are posted on the Notice Board and announcements are made at the monthly meetings when bookings are being taken. The fees are paid to the Day School Co-ordinator.

Stage Display
A display of members’ work is arranged at the monthly meetings and members are encouraged to bring anything they have made. Work may be ‘work in progress’ rather than completed.

The Society has a flourishing younger group called EYELETS, catering for children aged 6-16. Their meetings are mainly held during school half-terms, and the Easter Holidays, when children are encouraged to experiment with different types of embroidery and related skills and techniques.

Workbox Magazine
The Workbox Magazine is available every two months, at the reduced rate of £1.20. Please ask a Committee member for details.

Various outings are arranged during the year. These are announced at the monthly meetings and details are posted on the Notice Board. The fees are paid to the Outings Organiser.

The Society holds an exhibition of members’ work every two years, usually in, either Beverley Art Gallery or Beverley Minster. Details are advertised widely.

Enquiries to: B. Bourne 01482 352841