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Ear Candling

Ear candling is an old established method that has been used over the centuries by the Ancient Chinese, Greeks, Egyptians,…

By Keith Teale , in health & beauty , at January 31, 2008

Ear candling is an old
established method that has been used over the centuries by the Ancient
Chinese, Greeks, Egyptians, and also North and South American Indians.

It is a safe, pain‑free alternative to
syringing. If you suffer from any of the following problems then perhaps ear
candling would help.


What Happens?
Following a consultation you will be made
comfortable on the couch/bed on your side. The candle is placed just inside
your ear canal and the opposite end of the candle will be lit and burnt down to
an area marked on the candle. The chimney effect thus created  draws the wax and impurities up into the
hollow candle. While the candle is in your ear, your face and neck are gently
massaged with essential oils, particularly in the area of the lymph nodes, to
assist with the clearing of the sinuses and the removal of the impurities from
the ear. You may hear either a ‘sea shore’ sound (as when you place a seashell
against the ear) or a faint crackling, as the wax loosens and is drawn out. The
treatment is then carried out for the other ear, and the total time taken for
both ears is approximately 45 minutes. A separate candle is used for both ears
and it is important to treat both ears otherwise you could upset the balance.

With more technology i.e. mobile phones and ear
pieces for those working in call centres, it is known that more wax is produced
in the ear that is used most. The treatment is also beneficial before and after
a long‑haul flight.


What Possible Benefits from a Treatment
        * In some cases restoration of smell and taste

        * Regulation of ear pressure (flying & diving)

        * Proper balancing of ear fluids (car and air

        * Catarrh resulting from Nasophharynx problems

        * Activates proper ear fluid circulation

        * Irritation of the ears

        * Excessive or compacted wax in the ears

        * Glue ear

        * Improved hearing

        * Increased hair and nail growth

        * Migraines and headaches

        * Improved mental clarity

        * Menier’s disease

        * Improve eyesight

        * Rhinitis (irritation of the lining of the nose
producing large amounts of mucous).

        * Sinusitis

        * Snoring and Hangovers

        * Better Lymphatic Circulation

        * Relief from Vertigo

        * Hay Fever

        * Colds and Flu

As you see there are many benefits to this
treatment and you will find it calming and relaxing.

Editors note: Having undergone the Ear Candling
treatment with Carol I found this very relaxing and a sense of wellbeing
afterwards and can highly recommend it.